воскресенье, 10 февраля 2013 г.

драывера на hp1010 для windows7

Thanks a lot for yr help in advance!

I also need this driver now. Otherwise, I need install Window XP at my PC again.

I have been looking for this hp1010 printer driver for Window7 at Korean website. but I could not get any good information.

you are not giving solution. only mentioning about it.

Thank you for the information. I was not able to print on my HP 1010 after I upgraded my windows to windows 7. You saved my ass. Thank you again.

it so so so … thank you so much

please if you have good solution please send it to my e-mail address because I need

I was looking for hp 1010 driver for a long time!!!

222 Responses to HP 1010 Driver

If you need this solution, simply click . You will have instant access to the solution.ВP I would also ВPlike to know how many forum and blog sites you have visited without finding a good solution for the HP 1010 driver windows 7 issue.

I want to assure you that once you have this solution and you have followed these basic steps, your HP 1010 will be running like on a top on your windows 7 operating system.ВP Your computer will print at full speed.ВP This solution works not only on windows 7 32 bit operating systems, but also works well on the windows 7 64 bit operating systems.

I would like to ask everyone that reads this page to contact HP technical support or hp sales and let them know how disappointed we are that the printer driver is not available on their site.ВP This is just poor customer service in my opinion.

HP may be a great computer company, but they have lost a lot of my respect by no longer supporting legacy printers.ВP I hope this printer driver download solution allows you to continue to use your HP 1010 printer for many years into the future without any problems.

Anyone can follow these 6 simple steps and have their HP 1010 printer up and running on win 7 in just a couple of minutes.ВP I am also going to include a video showing each step of the driver install process.

To make a long story short, after a lot of searching and many hours of my own time spent working on this hp 1010 driver issue, I came up with a permanent solution that works like a dream.ВP My HP 1010 is now running perfectly on windows 7.ВP I do not experience any of the slow printing problems that some of the solutions talked about. I think I have the perfect work around for the driver problem.

I only moved to Microsoft windows 7 because my old computer crashed and windows XP was not available.ВP I did not like Vista at all.

I searched dozens of forums looking for a good driver to download for my HP 1010.ВP There were several solutions posted, however they either did not work or they quit working after a short period of time.

The HP 1010 has been a great work-horse printer for me.ВP As a computer tech, I was unwilling to accept that there is no driver for the printer.ВP I wonder if they think that thousands of us are going to run out and buy a new printer just because they aren’t going to make a driver to download.ВP Well, if that was their thought, they are dead wrong.

This was very disappointing to me.ВP I have been a long time customer of HP and I really feel like they turned their back on their clients.ВP How can there be on driver available to download or install.

The HP 1010 is not being supported for windows 7.ВP HP indicates on their site that there will be no HP 1010 driver available.

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